In those days I was thinking about the mechanism of vibration in cell phones and wondered how it worked. I had no idea. So, I searched a little with Google. Basically, the mechanism that causes the vibration is a normal engine which is attached to an eccentric weight. When the motor spins, the eccentric weight causes a vibration.
Looking on the online robot shops I’ve seen that are sold the vibration motors. Then I said to myself: why not build a simple robot with a nice vibration motor? And so I tried to think of something original and super cheap.
I went into the shop of my friends Chinese to make me some inspiration, and I found something very very nice: a vibrating massager.


I thought that inside there was a vibration motor that I could reuse. I opened it and what I found? just a vibration motor:

To use the motor in a vibrating robot I needed to remove the motor from its housing, which is not possible for the insufficient length of wire (yellow in the figure). Then I added the wires to allow the motor to move freely outside the structure of the Chinese mini massager. Here are soldered wires (white):

To build the robot I used, as usually in this case, a brush. A shoe brush like this (sorry but I missed to take of photo before the robot building):

So what happen if I put together a vibrating motor and a shoe brush? First of all, I need something to hold the motor and the batteries on the brush. I used a generous splash of hot glue.
Here’s the result:

Basically what is it? There is a mini massager, properly disassembled and ‘turned’ upside down. There is the vibrating motor placed upon the brush and the brush itself. You can see the motor connected to the eccentric shaft which causes the vibration.
The idea is to make a little robot where the brush, vibrating, almost ‘suspended’ on the bristles, moving around the house. Of course it needs a smooth floor to slide well.
That’s it. Here is the link to the video:

As the bristles are not perfect (the brush was a bit deteriorated on one side) and since the motor always runs on the same side, the brush turns always on the same side, but with a new brush I am convinced that could be better.
The robot is cheaper than 10 euros all inclusive. In addition, it costs about 1 hour of work and it is affordable for everyone, absolutely everyone.



As the bristles are not perfect (the brush was a bit deteriorated on one side) and since the motor always runs on the same side, the brush turns always on the same side, but with a new brush I am convinced that could be better.
The robot is cheaper than 10 euros all inclusive. In addition, it costs about 1 hour of work and it is affordable for everyone, absolutely everyone.